Saudi Health Power Company

Strategic Partnership

Strategic Partnerships

Health Power Medical, LLC creates strategic partnerships with organizations that support the mission and vision of the company. Partnerships are structured according to the requirements of both organizations. On this page, we invite you to learn more about Health Power Medical, LLC.

Who We Are

Primary Heath Care delivered by well-trained specialist Family Physicians has been recognized globally as the means for countries to improve quality of care and patient experience as well as decreasing the cost of care. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has diverse system of primary care: Ministry of Health (MOH) Primary Health Care Centers (PHC), National Guard Family Medicine Centers (FMC), Ministry of Defense PHCs, Private Sector FMC. The country has been very successful in administering preventive health programs such as control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, immunizations, child health, health promotion and antenatal care. It has also developed high quality tertiary care hospitals. Some elements of primary health care such as curative services delivered within the MOH remains at a lower quality than many other countries and receives low patient satisfaction. The MOH investment in primary care is much less than in secondary and tertiary care. A health efficiency score in 2019 places Saudi Arabia 46th in the world. This a direct result of the lack of high-quality primary care in the form of a Family Medicine system of care.

Through the decade of 2005 – 2015, Saudi Family Medicine conferences invited international advisors to share their experience and to work with the MOH and Saudi Family Medicine professors and consultants to propose possible solutions to develop the best practices in Family Medicine for Saudi Arabia. Subsequently, Health Power Medical (HPM), LLC was founded in 2016 specifically in response to the concerns about primary health care. It was established to improve the quality of care in Saudi Arabia by ensuring that every patient would have a Family Physician and a primary health care team who could provide a continuous life-long relationship leading to a positive change in health and wellness to achieve health for life.

Health Power Medical, LLC (HPM) is a Family Medicine Consultant owned primary care group. There are five FM Consultant investors who serve as the management Board of Directors. This organization is structured in a way that it reach across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the region to provide world class primary care utilizing the Health Power Medical Care Model©. In Saudi Arabia, a second LLC, SaudiHealthNet Affiliates, is being enrolled at this time. This group will be composed of 100 FM Consultant investors who will work as clinicians and there are an additional 200 Family Medicine Consultants in the Kingdom who have elected not to invest, but who will work as clinicians for Health Power Medical. When expanding into the region, Health Power Medical will assist in the creation of country specific HealthNet Affiliates.

In Saudi Arabia, Health Power Medical is in the process of the development of a country-wide network of Family Medicine Centers. It is expected that over five years, this network will grow to 200 Family Medicine Centers. The vision is to operate 500 FMCs by the year 2030 which would serve 15 percent of the Saudi population. These will include private Family Medicine Centers and MOH Primary Health Care Centers.

All Family Medicine Centers will operate with a new health care design, the Health Power Medical Care Model©. This design brings the values of patient-focused, comprehensive, continuous and accessible care to the health care marketplace. It is aligned with the MOH New Model of Care. Recognizing the challenges in achieving this goal, Health Power Medical has centralized its leadership and management operations to be more efficient, effective and uniform in delivering the optimal health care with uniform operations.

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Where To Find Us

Professor Nabil Yassin Mohameed Al Kurashi

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+966 50 582 4845

+966 50 582 4845

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