About Us

AboutSaudi Health Power

Saudi Health Power is a large group of Family Doctors and their health care teams working in Family Medicine Centers across the Kingdom to improve your health. As Family Doctors, they have experienced the “Medical Journey”. They know that in order to obtain healthcare it can be difficult, confusing, expensive and it can take much of your time. It is often confusing to know which doctor to visit. A person may feel part of a large crowd searching for the care that they need.


To provide a “physician for every family” in their community who will provide a people-centered, high quality, comprehensive, continuous and efficient system of health care, which enhances health outcomes for patients and professional satisfaction for the Family Physicians of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


By the year 2030, Saudi Health Power will have a national impact on the delivery of primary care through a network of Family & Community Medicine Centers to serve as the first point of contact for people, of all ages, with all diseases; such that there will be 500 Family and Community Medicine Centers across the Kingdom staffed with the highest quality of doctors who will provide a patient-centered health care experience that is aligned with the MOH new Model of Care and that will provide patients with a high degree of satisfaction, trust in their health care providers, engagement and empowerment in improving their health and providing a noticeable decrease in their cost of care.

How do you search to find the right doctor for your health problems?

If you have chest pain, you will ask yourself if you could have a heart condition and you will travel to see a heart specialist who will perhaps give you many tests.

But if your heart is fine….. Then you may question if the problem could be in your chest or with your lungs and you got to see a lung specialist who will also perform some tests.

But if your chest and lungs are fine……..Then you might question if the problem could be with your food tube or stomach and you will go to see a stomach specialist who will also do some tests.

But then if your food tube and stomach tests are fine ……. What do you do????

All of these visits to many specialists take much time. You lose time from work and with your family. All of these tests are expensive and they can have problems or risks to your health as well.

What would it be like if you had a personal family doctor to see at the first sign of any problem?

This personal doctor, a Family Medicine Consultant and the health care team at the Saudi health Power Family Medicine Center are there for you. At Saudi Health Power, we believe that every individual and every family should have their own personal doctor to call or who can see you immediately when you have a health problem

What Is AFamily Doctor?

A Family Doctor is a doctor who takes care of the whole family. They are trained in all areas of medicine. They care for you as a whole person through all stages of your life, regardless of your age or sex. This includes care for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Family doctors get to know their patients. They build a caring relationship with you and your family. They listen and document your health history. This helps them make the right health care decisions.

Your family doctor is responsible for diagnosing and treating acute and chro nic illnesses. They also provide routine health screenings and counseling on lifestyle changes. This helps prevent health issues before they develop. If a problem does occur that requires care from a specialist, your family doctor will guide you and help coordinate all aspects of your care. You and your family doctor work together to achieve the best possible outcome in the most cost-effective manner.

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